All our shipping costs are Real Time carrier-calculated rates, based on weight and package size of your order, for the transport from our warehouse in Pittsburgh, PA, to your location of residence.
We prefer to ship with USPS Priority Mail® which takes in most cases 2 business days. In some instances, rural areas might need 3 business days.
Shipments to Canada can be sent USPS First Class International® as long as the package is below the benchmark of 4 lbs (1.816 kg). Anything above 4 lbs has to be shipped using USPS Priority Mail International®. Shipments to Canada usually take between 6 and 10 business days. U.S. customers also have the option of using UPS Ground® rates, as they can be cheaper in some instances.
However, so far, we have not seen any significant evidence of cost reduction compared to the U.S. Postal Service®.
You can calculate rates on the "Shopping Cart" page by selecting your country and state, as well as inputting your ZIP code.
Please don't forget that we need a certain amount of time to get your order ready.
Our usual processing time is currently approximately 24 hours after we received your order. This is an average value which we derived from accumulated sales data over the last 12 years.
Some simple orders may be handled faster, some, like international orders may take a day longer in order for us to acquire necessary custom forms and documentation. Larger quantity orders may also need special packaging which we have to purchase before completing.
If you really were in a hurry you can include a message for us on the "Shopping Cart" page and we will try our very best to prioritize your order.
Please also consider that we can not ship on Sundays or Federal holidays.
Note: If we fulfill your order in the afternoon, your shipping date will be the next day, normally around 3 pm. However, your notification email with links about your order status and tracking information might not appear in your inbox until later in the evening.
We currently charge Sales Taxes only for customers of Pennsylvania as we are legally obligated to do so. If you live in any other U.S. state or territory, you may be required to pay a so called "Use Tax" for any internet purchase you make. The rate of the "Use Tax" usually equals your state's Sales Tax.
The following Size Guides are for Standard Mattress Sizes in the U.S. & Canada.
The Mattress Ranges, however, are due to the extraordinary stretchiness of our sheets. If your mattress is NOT a standard size, as long as its dimensions lie in between the ranges, our sheets will adjust to the exact contours of your mattress and will accommodate your bed's size perfectly.
Minimum and Maximum Recommended Dimensions For Our Single/Twin/XL Sheets
Minimum and Maximum Recommended Dimensions For Our Full/Double/XL Sheets
Minimum and Maximum Recommended Dimensions For Our Queen/Queen/XL Sheets
Minimum and Maximum Recommended Dimensions For Our King/California King Sheets